Yet to come... TagPies 2.0

TagPies have a new design! Some appetizers...

What is a TagPie?

For the humanities, the digital age brought changes to the scholars’ research workflows. The ability to query digital libraries in order to receive text passages containing specific keywords on demand quickens hypotheses generation, but often, vast numbers of results are hard to process as text passages need to be checked individually. Tag clouds can be used to facilitate the access to search results by aggregating the co-occurrences of a searched keyword, so that frequent collacates get salient and the context that defines the meaning of a keyword gets visible. TagPies extend this idea by arranging the co-occurrences of different keyword searches in a pie chart manner, so that the contexts in which different keywords occur can be analyzed and compared to each other. This comparative analysis was the desired capability of TagPies in the corresponding digital humanities project eXChange.
During the development, we closely collaborated with humanities scholars, who state that the resultant visual interface, consistent of TagPies as a distant reading view for the results of several keyword searches and a close reading view for the text passages, is a valuable analysis instrument that serves a novel type of research interest that requires distant reading arguments — the comparison of concepts in classic texts — and provokes new research questions. Furthermore, the humanities scholars mentioned that they have a much more intuitive and dynamic access to search results when using TagPies in comparison to working with traditional result lists. In order to enable a wide applicability, we designed TagPies the way that it can easily be adapted to textual data of any domain.
The TagPies JavaScript library is based on d3-cloud — examples of the deprecated design are shown below...

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For the support of friends and family and fruitful discussions with colleagues, TagPies wants to say "Thank You" to: Christin Richter, Anna Jänicke, Adam Jänicke, Judith Blumenstein, Josef Focht, Michaela Rücker, Dirk Zeckzer, Gerik Scheuermann and Christian Heine!